The trenches are very cold, squishy, muddy and damp.They have sandbags around the edges to keep them steady.There are lots of dieases going around. The soldiers feet start to rot away as they are always standing in mud. There are also lots of rats running around in the sloshy old muddy trenches.
The loving soldiers that gave their lives for us left to go to war on July 28 1914. They had to be 18 years old to to be able to go to war although some lied about their age and said they were older becaue they thought it was going to be a fun adventure. They carried 27kg in their bags with all their gear. They wear camoflage outfits which is brown and green to keep themselves safe.
The poppies grow on the fields in Gallipoli. We wear them on the 25th of a April to remember the ones that died in WW1 and WW2. The poppies were the first plant to grow on the mud and soil in Flanders Fields.
The soldiers sent letters to their loving families and friends.But they were not allowed to put horrible things down about the war because the offices didn't want their family members to find out. If they did they would get into big trouble.
We shall all remember the soldiers who fought for us and gave their lives for us. LEST WE FORGET.
I like my writing I think I did a good job.