Thursday, 6 August 2015

The Crumbly Cracked Castle

I am peering out of the gloomy window of this majestic, massive, monstrous castle. The spooky whistling wind whispers into my cold ear.

I can hear the vicious, earsplitting black ravens gossiping loudly to each other. The sound of the waves crashing against the crumbly, immense rocks.

I can see the bleached, white clouds surrounding the ancient castle like soldiers protecting their beloved land. Out of the corner of my eye I see forgotten decaying paintings enclosed with silky, smooth cobwebs.

As I creep around I taste the history throughout the deserted castle. The sky is a misty, grey shadow surrounding the isolated island.

Feeling fearful, anxious but at the same time curious to investigate this never ending castle.

I smell the musty, mouldy, damp air hover around the gigantic, haunted walls like swarms of bees ready to sting.

I take a few steps forward hearing my feet fall on solid rock as I slink around this fossilized castle wondering who has been here before me.

By Zara.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

The Snowy Jagged Mountain

I look out across the frosty, jagged mountain and I see the slippery, crystallized snow which looks like fresh cream that’s just been whipped. The sapphire, blue sky shimmers in the distance. I hear the whistling wild wind blowing across my crisp raw face. As I take a few steps forward I hear my feet hit the frozen, crumbly, crunchy snow. I taste the falling snowflakes. I am feeling exhausted and tired. I smell the fresh, blasting, chilly air. I wonder how long it will be until I reach the summit of this isolated arctic mountain.
The Serious Surfer

As I glide through the wild, wet, wave the sparkling, spray splashes behind my yellow, slick surf board. I taste the salty, brackish flavoured sea and smell the crisp, chilly air. Feeling extremely motivated anxious and determined I challenge myself as I go through the barrelling lip of the azure wave which looks like a scroll wrapping itself around me like a warm cozy blanket. I see the aquamarine sky above me. I can hear the crashing roaring wave that’s loud like a lions roar. I wonder if I can take on this deafening titanic wave.

Monday, 29 June 2015


On the  25th of April every year New Zealand and Australia celebrate ANZAC day by wearing poppies one minute of silence playing the last post and more. ANZAC day stands for Australia New Zealand Army Corps. 

The trenches are very cold, squishy, muddy and damp.They have sandbags around the edges to keep them steady.There are lots of dieases going around. The soldiers feet start to rot away as they are always standing in mud. There are also lots of rats running around in the sloshy old muddy trenches. 

The loving soldiers that gave their lives for us left to go to war on July 28 1914. They had to be 18 years old to to be able to go to war although some lied about their age and said they were older becaue they thought it was going to be a fun adventure. They carried 27kg in their bags with all their gear. They wear camoflage outfits which is brown and green to keep themselves safe.

The poppies grow on the fields in Gallipoli. We wear them on the 25th  of a April to remember the ones that died in WW1 and WW2. The poppies were the first plant to grow on the mud and soil in Flanders Fields.

The soldiers sent letters to their loving families and friends.But they were not allowed to put horrible things down about the war because the offices didn't want their family  members  to find out. If they did they would get into big trouble.

We shall all remember the soldiers who fought for us and gave their lives for us. LEST WE FORGET.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Hectors Dolphin

HECTORS DOLPHIN The Hectors Dolphin has a rounded black fin. Their body is light great and their tummy is white. They can weigh up to 50kg and are 1.5m long. The males are lighter and smaller than the females. Habitat The Hectors Dolphin is found in river mouths and shallow bays. They like being in the shallow waters as their food are close to the banks and easier to get. They are only found in New Zealand waters. Facts • The Hectors Dolphin can live up to 20 years. • They are one of the rarest and smallest marine dolphins in the world. • The Hectors Dolphin swim in pairs or groups up to 12. • The Hectors Dolphin can weigh up to 110 pounds. • One of the biggest threats to the Hectors Dolphin is the gill net. As they are dragged backwards in the nets and drown • They prefer shallow waters usually less than 100m deep. Diet The Hectors Dolphin feed mainly in groups. They eat a variety of fish like squid, red cod, flatfish and yellow eyed mullet. They can eat up to 4kg each day. They use echolocation to find their food as they listen to a returning echo which tells them how far, which type of fish and how fast it is moving. The Hectors Dolphin population is decreasing and now we only have around 3,000 left in New Zealand. We must look after the Hectors Dolphin.

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Anzac Poem

The ones we love fight for us, bringing us freedom and joy. Their stars shine bright and they will always be in our hearts.
Trenches Gallipoli

4th April 1915

Dear Mum

I am missing you dad and sis so much.  I cant wait to come home.  Hows everything going on the farm ?

The trenches  are very cold, muddy and damp.  They are as muddy as a pig pen.  There is guns firing everywhere I go.  The sky is pale and dark the mornings are very foggy and misty.  There are soldiers running in all directions.  There's chaos everywhere I go it is very busy.

I can hear enormous explosions booming in the distance and earsplitting gun shots whizzing through the misty air. As I walk across the muddy squishy ground I can hear mice squeaking to each other. Behind the big hills I can see vivid orange fire shimmering behind the trees. I can smell the smoke flowing up behind the grey crispy clouds. I feel very scared and petrified. Everyday I am nervous, exhausted and dehydrated. I hope that I will make it home and see my loving family again. My heart is always racing super fast and I am always ready to attack. I'm missing you guys so much cant wait to come home and see you all again.                                                                                                                  Love Zara.

Monday, 11 May 2015

                                  The Jet Ski
As I whiz around over the enormous foamy frothy white caps, I hear people cheering me I jump the massive waves. I hear seagulls squawking to each other in the dark blue sky. I hear the waves hit the soft, wet, sinky sand. As I speed up the motor roars of like a lion ready to attack. 

The waves look like a sprinkler as they spray out the back of the zooming jet ski. As I look up to the sky the soft clods look like silky sheep wool. The turquoise crystal water shimmers in the distance. As I jump the gigantic high waves it looks like fresh cream just been whipped. The frothy foamy bubbles surround me in the crystal clear water. 

I can smell the petrol from my jet ski flowing through the cold fresh air. The smell of the salt water flows through my cold nose.My arms start to ache as I hold on as tight as a crab not wanting to let go. My motor starts to vibrate as I whiz through the crashing, thundering, loud waves.

I zoom back into the beach and I feel very proud and glad I did it. 

Monday, 23 March 2015

A Moment In Time (descriptive writing)

As I look around at the fun fair I can see bright florescent lights shimmering in the distance. I can hear ear-splitting music pumping out of the gigantic speakers. As I look up at the night sky I can see the rollercoaster doing loops like a spiral through the air. The mouth-watering candyfloss is as pink as a rose. There are swarms of people everywhere I go it is as busy as a beaver. The smell of crispy fries fills the warm air. As I walk back home I know the incredible memory will last forever.